My dear illustrator friend Katherine Tillotson just finished a flurry of work and complained her studio was a mess. I begged for a photo to share. I love artists' studios, writer's cubby holes, love knowing the story behind some lyrics I love.
So here's K's beautiful studio:
And a surprise package arrived at my door full of:
Advance Reader Copies for my upcoming novel, Dogtag Summer. It's an indescribable feeling. I slid my hands over them, and flipped through the pages, sniffing them. (What is it about sniffing books? Something about the fresh ink and paper. Makes it all seem so tangible somehow ). I even made my own beautiful display on the dining room table. The feeling of wonder -- A book! A real book! -- never diminishes.
And! right now, in a sound studio, Alan Bomar Jones has a set of headphones on and is sitting in front of a microphone recording Marching for Freedom for Brilliance Audio.
Life is good. Very, very, very good.