Thursday, November 5, 2009

Jumpin' week, irresistible music

Great news to share:

An interview about the Google Lit Trip I did for Marching is right here on Teaching Books. Thank you Nick Glass for the opportunity! Jerome Burg, the founder of Lit Trips, and I worked for months to get this just right. I'm so thrilled with how it came out. Jerome and I located all the important places in Selma, and then set up the Lit Trip so you can "fly" with the marchers to Montgomery.

And Marching For Freedom made the Publisher's Weekly Best Books of 2009 list! This is a huge honor!

But enough about me. Here is the end-of-the-week launch into the weekend. One of my very favorite songs is Leadbelly's Bring Me Little Water, Silvy.Wonderful, no? (You can download the whole song for a buck at Smithsonian Folkways.)

Now, check this out from VOCO. I love how music travels!

If you haven't heard Sweet Honey in the Rock's version.... listen....


  1. love those videos!!


  2. And isn't it cool-- full circle-- that Bernice Johnson Reagon was one of the Freedom Singers, who were formed partially because of Pete Seeger's suggestion and were instrumental (ha) in creating a singing movement? It all ties together. I saw the Freedom Singers at Newport in 63-- and thereafter.

    And now there is your book!

  3. Being at Newport in 63 is evn more impressive than Woodstock. Wow.

    I never saw the Freedom Singers in person, but have sure loved their music. Here's how Bernice Johnson Reagon put it: “When I sing, at full voice, you can hear me a block away. If you're walking toward me, you're walking inside the sound of my voice.”

  4. Wonderful quote from Ms. Reagon!

    Being at Newport in 63 has a lot to do with being somewhat old.

    "Marching for Freedom" is on its way to me. Yay!

