Thursday, March 6, 2008

Hayward Historical Society, watch me wrangle my dad, roughly equivalent to wranging a dozen cats!

Off to speak at the Hayward Historical Society tonight. They have the traveling exhibition of my dad's photographs, From the Byways to the Highways, which I curated from two shows we did a couple years ago. One of them, at the California Historical Society, I co-curated with Sally Stein, the other, at the Oakland Museum, was curated by Drew Johnson.

CERA, California Exhibition Resources Alliance, travels shows to small California museums for a moderate price they can afford. They do really cool stuff. I especially love their photography exhibits. Great photos that have to do with California history or California photographers.

We'll be showing the short film, Outta My Light, that my sister Meg Partridge made withour dear friend Dyanna Taylor. (Her dad, Ross Taylor, was our dad's best friend, so the film is highly personal.) After the film, my dad jumps up and answers questions and I basically provide continuity and fill in the gaps. Guaranteed to be fun for all.

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